When I leave O&A I'm going to go back to school.
EA, age 15
I will not be under the influence 24/7. Plus I will become the most nicest guy in the world. I will also write clean freedom rap, yo!
ZCG, age 16
Im gonna stick with my family until I know Im ready to hang with my friends so I dont do bad things with the law to get locked up again.
HM, age 15
I wont get any deeper in the court system.
CP, age 15
I'm not gonna skip class and get my High Honor roll GPA back, then attend college.
CY, age 17
One thing Imma do differently when I leave O&A. Imma go back to school try to get my credits because I want to graduate and hopfully become a Navy Seal.
DC, age 15
One thing I will Do when I get out of O&A is that I will not do drugs and I will change Myself and be a better person to my family and myself. work hard like always and do my best in school to make it to university.
LG, age 17
be there for my Family. Stop gang banging, selling, and doing things to make money thats agenst the law. also I want to be able to see my baby boy be born and not be locked up for it.
KS, age 17
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