
The writing on this blog is from teens who are in a lockdown facility called O&A. O&A stands for Observation and Assessment, a 45-day period ordered by the courts where their behaviors, attitudes, and skills are charted for their juvenile judge.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Everybody has a Story--"The Kid"

There was once a kid that loved sports n video games N was a good kid in school well there was this time that he moved to --- N his sister met this kid a few years older than the kid N well his sister started to date him as she would always But he was a gang banger N he started going to the kids home to hang out with his sister N kinda started to talk the kid N well they started to hangout N the guy named or called --- started to teach the kid some of the gang things he did not know most of the stuff well he started to get into it wearing alot more Red N Baggy clothes N lost interist in school the kid had gone nuts just fighting, staying out Late N drogs he thought it was no big deal Because his uncles did it back in --- well as the kid grew in time he got more N more gang Related or infliated it was just the life for him he thought well as he got into more trouble at School, home N streets he lost total interist in his life N family the first time he went D.t. in November 28th --- he thought it wasnt to bad N he got out three days later N he wasnt home for a day N left home 4 2 weeks N was just out of controll N he had violated probation N got caught N got sent back to D.T. for 2 weeks N a half N 50 days in O&A N the hard thing to say is that the kid in the story is me

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