
The writing on this blog is from teens who are in a lockdown facility called O&A. O&A stands for Observation and Assessment, a 45-day period ordered by the courts where their behaviors, attitudes, and skills are charted for their juvenile judge.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Everyone Has a Story: "My Story"

My name is A. I was born in Utah, i've lived in _(city)_ most my life. I had a good childhood like normal kids, played outside, played games, and colored pictures. That was till I turned 7, my uncle died, my dads brother. So they had the body driven to Utah because thats where his mom and family lived and then my mom out of the kindness of her  heart took the widow and her 2 kids in after the funarul. A couple months had past and my mom and dad started arguing more often. then one day my dad did not come home from work. Later we got a call from him he said he was in _(state)_ with his brother's wife. Then he came back to get his stuff and i remember riding in the U-haul and my parents were fighting, then when we got to our house, the last thing for a while my dad said "I will be back."

After that we were not making enough money to pay the rent so we moved to _(state)_ and we lived with my moms parents. Then my older brother assaulted my little sister. So me and my brother and sister and mom moved to the middle of nowhere till we moved back to Utah. They weren't the greatest of times eather. We were eating and stuff and had clean clothes, but thats not where it ends. I know most people wish this were a happy ending but not in this story.

A little later it all started for me. I started stealing from gas stations then I got caught. I was not charged or anything. He just gave me a talk and gave me a ride to school then I stoped for a while and in 2nd grade we had people that take the lunch money, I took $10 then at recess I kept beting people and i guess i bet the wrong people. The teacher found out and i got my parents called and i got into trouble, not with the law just with my mom. Then I really just stopped. Life was going back to normal. I was playing outside again and becoming a kid again and then i came home one friday from school. And when i opened the door my mom was yelling at my older brother. Then i may have heard the worst words I could ever hear, it happened again. He assaulted my 4 year old sister. He wasn't let off easy this time. He was in state custody for 4 years.

I guess i stopped stealing for that period of time. A few years past and he was let out at 16. He got out and the state gave him a scholarship and he is going to school and that's when i started stealing again. now i'm 11. i was stealing from my mom and stores. Soon the stealing stopped when we moved.......Then gradually I reached 7th grade, i was still constantly stealing stuff that i wanted. it soon become the feeling of success and just the fealing of I did something and it payed off.

So back to my life, the stealing was pilling up candy rappers everywhere and no explanation of where they came from. Soon on my birthday my mom she found all the stuff. She sent me to bed and I didn't get cake or anything. so i went on and kep stealing then i go caught stealing at school then i came to detention for 2 days. Then I did 30 days on house arrest then i got off and was doing good. Then i got caught stealing at school again, then I had to do 60 days of house arrest then I got caught again. And again.

1 comment:

  1. Sara, you have done an awesome job with this site...thanks for all that you do.
